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Wednesday, April 30, 2008


So this was a post from my blog on myspace and it got me thinking:

I know I'm not the first person to say this, but I don't think hate is the opposite of love. I think fear is. Hate is passion misplaced, but it's fear that keeps us from love and from all of the greater things we might have in life. It's fear that causes hate, and anger and distrust. Some people enjoy being feared seeing it as some kind of respect, whenever I recognize in someone else fear, or some kind of emotion or reaction to me motivated by a fear and not by love it disguists me and forces me to reflect on myself and see where it is that I have failed. Caution is only intelligent and necessary, but don't live a life where fear is a deciding factor, but love. Let yourself be lead through life by love, courageous, perhaps even foolish love and as my friends help me to do the same as I do my best as a friend to help you overcome your fears and find motivation in love to accomplish all that you would in life.

That's basically the usual BS that I spout on my blog on myspace, but it made me think. People always ask why I'm joining the Peace Corps and I usually tell them it was to lose weight and get a tan. But I think this has something to do with it. I don't want to live a life of fear, fear of loss, fear of different people, fear of difficulty and suffering and pain. Loss and difficulty and pain are part of the human condition and experience. They help us to grow. So I'm think, at least in part, the Peace Corps is an opportunity for me to face things that I might fear and which might cause me pain and suffering and difficulty... but to go in and face them willingly and with love as a motivation so that I might be able to grow and be a better person than I am today. But, I'm also going to lose weight and get a tan! WHAT A DEAL! :)

1 comment:

Jacque said...

I never thought of fear that way. I think thats a pretty good explanation of what the PC is about. Bien dit!!!