Here's a great article I found about the new youth political party here in Mauritania. Good stuff.
Also, I just got another package recently. Thanks to all my aunts and uncles and cousins and parents (okay really just my mom! cause you still need to send me a package dad!) and thank you Damion, Colton, Nikayla, Isaac, Little Chris, and Aunt Pam for the letters. I promise I'll write back soon!
But for now... enjoy this article.
Youth political party in Mauritania calls for tolerance and fighting extremism
The president of a new political party for young people in Mauritania speaks to Magharebia about his group's stance on critical issues facing his country.
Interview by Mohamed Yahya Ould Abdel Wedoud for Magharebia in Nouakchott – 10/11/08
[Mohamed Wedoud] Union of Democratic Youth President Jeddou Ould Ahmad says his new party will stand against terrorism, violence and ignorance.
The Union of Democratic Youth is the latest addition to Mauritania's political life. According to the union's leader, the new political party will stand against terrorism, violence and ignorance. Party president Jeddou Ould Ahmad spoke to Magharebia about his goals for the new organisation.
Magharebia: When did you first think of setting up a political party for youth?
Jeddou Ould Ahmad: The idea came two years ago, but the field activities began nearly a year ago. We managed to attract a good number well-educated youth; including doctors, teachers, engineers, students and other marginalised youth. There is no space for that segment of society, which constitutes society's backbone. Young people make up 70% of Mauritania’s population.
Magharebia: The party is a first in the country. What is the agenda of the youth party?
Ould Ahmad: Reinforcing values of democracy, respecting human rights, fighting violence, extremism, terrorism, racism, tribal and national fanaticism. We will empower patriotism and moderate Islamic values, and will work to ensure equal opportunities among men and women, particularly in fields of science, work and family life. We should not forget to encourage the use of foreign languages alongside Arabic – especially English, as it is the most widely spoken language worldwide.
Magharebia: Among the party objectives, you mentioned fighting extremism among youth. What is your strategy to achieve that end?
Ould Ahmad: True, the party seeks to fight all forms of extremism, based on the fact that extremism always encourages violence. We have relied on a number of means which include; organising seminars, distributing handouts, encouraging dialogue to end crises, and adopting consultancy to take all key decisions, while working to develop our manner in that regard using all possible means.
Magharebia: Do you plan on co-ordinating with Maghreb youth to exchange visions and experiences?
Ould Ahmad: Naturally, we welcome all efforts that seek to develop youth, especially efforts triggered by brotherly Maghreb states, with which we share religious, cultural, historic, geographic and political links. In the meantime, we also extend a hand of friendship to global youth who strive to spread the culture of peace and tolerance regardless of colour, ethnicity or belief.
Magharebia: What is your stance toward the national political arena after the toppling of former President Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdellahi by the military?
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Ould Ahmad: We are against coups and military intervention in political affairs to begin with. Nonetheless, we did support this latest intervention to create a chance to amend some articles in our constitution, especially those related to the powers of the head of state, at the expense of other authorities (legislative and executive).
On the other hand, I believe that General Mohamed Ould Abdul Aziz managed in a short period of time to reach significant achievements to improve citizens’ living conditions. We are equally against foreign intervention in our domestic affairs, because those who stand to suffer the most are the Mauritanian people. At the same time, we are demanding the release of former President Abdellahi.
Magharebia: What is your message to Maghreb youth in general?
Ould Ahmad: Our message to Maghreb youth stresses the need for joint action to achieve progress towards a union of Maghreb states; and collaborating in order to reinforce values of democracy and respecting human rights in the larger Maghreb region in an atmosphere that knows no violence, terrorism, or extremism. In addition, establishing a youth forum to bring closer the views of Arab Muslim youth and all nations of the world to spread the spirit of peace, tolerance, and respecting others, which will lead to achieving progress and prosperity in serving humanity.